Wireless Networking aka “Wireless for IoT Class”
Course code: CS4222/CS5422
Instructor: Professor Ambuj Varshney
Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are trained on vast amounts of data, making them proficient in conversation and providing feedback. Despite a somewhat unsuccessful history, chatbots are finally reaching a point where they can be highly beneficial for learning. ChatGPT, for example, can be used to gain knowledge about wireless technology. We encourage the use of this tool for educational purposes in our course.
We encourage you to interact with ChatGPT by providing it with prompts related to wireless networking and technologies, and to engage in conversation with the bot in order to expand your knowledge on the subject.
Below, you will find a list of sample prompts. If you have suggestions for good prompt, please email them to the instructor. We may consider this for bonus marks/points.
Lecture 1
- Can you describe the early history of wireless communication?
- What is photophone and history of this device?
- What is early history of FM modulation technique?
- Describe some examples of everyday internet of things devices that we use
- What are challenges to massive growth of internet of things
- What is smartdust?
- Can you give examples of different sensors used in IoT devices?
Lecture 2
- What is Friis equation in wireless communication ?
- What is antenna gain? How is it related to Friis equation?
- What are typical antenna gain values for commonly used antenna?
- Does antenna gain value varies with frequency?
- Does radio propagation has a circular disk model?
- How does wireless interference impact signal propogation?
- What is path loss exponent?
- How do atmosphere absorb radio signals and at what frequencies?
- what are commonly used wireless standards and can you classify them basis of throughput, range, frequency and datarate?
- Can you describe shannon capacity and the parameters that it depends upon?
- What is a microcontroller and how does it differ from microprocessor?
- What is a system on chip?
- How does system on chip differ from microcontroller?
- What is early history of microprocessor?
- what is early history of microcontroller?
- what is early history of system-on-chip?
- Why do we need seperate operating system for small IoT and embedded devices?
- What are examples of IoT operating system?
Lecture 3
- What are attenuation and gain? What are common units to represent them for wireless signals?
- How do you calculate attenuation in dB?
- Why is loss of 3 dB strength in wireless signals important?
- Can you add two decibel terms together?
- How do you represent signal strength in milliwatts (in logarithmic scale)?
- What are actuators? and can you list ten commonly used actuators on IoT devices?
- How does LED work? how are RGB leds different from normal LEDs?
- Are actuators more power consuming when compared to sensors?
- What are sensors? give example of 25 sensors used on IoT devices?
- How many sensors are part of modern car? can you list all sensors used in modern cars?
- What is difference between active and passive sensing? which one is most likely to be used on IoT devices? How does power consumption compare for the two?
- What is ultrasound sensor? typical power consumption? and applications where this sensor is used?
- How is LIDAR different from ultrasound sensor? and in what ways is it similar?
- How does LIDAR sensor work? can we use them on IoT devices?
- How is LIDAR used in automobiles and vaccum cleaners?
Lecture 4
- How do you measure battery capacity?
- What is commonly used unit for batteries used in IoT devices?
- What are typical size of batteries used in commonly used electronic devices?
- What is battery capacity for flexible batteries
- How do you estimate lifespan of battery based on battery capacity and current usage of IoT device?
- What are typical current draw for various wireless technologies used on IoT devices?
- What is difference between OLED, LCD and Epaper displays?
- What is history of epaper technology?
- Does a wireless radio have similar power consumption for transmit, receive and ideal state? if not, what is relationship between them?
- What are radio duty cycling algorithms of wireless radios?
- What is backscatter communication and history of this technology?
- What is good analogy to understand backscatter communication?
- Can you describe design of backscatter radio?
- What was great seal bug?
- what are RFIDs and good application of this technology?
- What are different RFID standards and operating frequency?
- What are challenges with RFID systems?
- What are different ambient energy sources that can power IoT devices?
- What is near field communication? what are good examples of this technology?
- What is LiFi? how does it work?
- what are advantages of using LiFi over radio waves?
Lecture 5
- What are localization systems (we are talking about systems such as GPS)?
- Can you give overview of localization systems and modalities?
- What is Trilateration?
- How does GPS work? What are typical height of GPS satellites?
- How do you determine distances in methods such as Trilateration?
- What is received signal strength indicator?
- What are challenges of using RSSI for distance estimation?
- What is radio tomographic imaging?
- What is time of flight?
- What are some example of applications that use time of flight?
- What is time difference of arrival? How is it different from time of flight?
- How does Time Difference of arrival work with two different mediums?
- What is angle of arrival?
- Can you describe PHY layer of GPS?
- What does GPS transmission look like?
- What is cold start process in GPS?
- What is assisted GPS?
- What is WiFi fingerprinting?
- What are challenges and accuracy of WiFi fingerprinting?
- What is ultra wideband? Why is it good for localisation?
- What are good examples of UWB being used in commercial products?
Lecture 6
- What are different layers in OSI model for communication? Please describe their significance?
- What is Data link layer? What is the significance of this layer?
- What is framing task in data link layer?
- Why is error detection and recovery important in wireless communication? Why is it performed in data link layer?
- Wireless communication is a shared medium? How does it make communication challenging when compared to wired communication?
- Why is it important to support multiple access in wirleess communication? How is it different from wired communication?
- What are random access medium access control protocol?
- What is ALOHA protocol? what is the history of this protocol?
- What is difference between ALOHA and Slotted aloha protocol?
- Why does slotted ALOHA protocol has better channel utilisation?
- What is carrier sense multiple access?
- What is carrier sense multiple access with collision detection? why is it difficult to perfom in wireless connection?
- What is carrier sense multiple access with collission avoidance? How is it different from CSMA/CD?
- What are tradeoffs made in selecting window size for CSMA/CA?
- Describe hidden terminal problem? How is it mitigated in wireless networks? what is impact of this problem?
- If two wireless transmissions occurs together, is it possible to receive stronger signal?
- What is capture effect? Why is it important for wireless communication?
- Describe polling based medium access control mechanism?
- For what kind of applications would you want to employ polling based medium access control mechanism?
- What is token passing based medium access control mechanism? for which application it makes sense?
- What is FDMA?
- What is TDMA?
- What is pros and cons of static allocation using scheme such as FDMA and TDMA?
- Give example of wireless systems that use/used TDMA/FDMA?
- Describe history of TDMA and FDMA protocol
- What is OFDM? How is it related to FDM?
- How is OFDM better than FDM?
- What are modern wireless systems that use OFDM mechanism?
- What is CDMA? what are various CDMA codes?
- What is spread spectrum technique? What are its advantage?
- What is history of spread spectrum techniques?
- What is DSSS? Where is it used in wireless systems?
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
- Why is local discovery useful for wireless networks?
- What is synchronus and asynchronus neighbour discovery? What is the difference between the two?
- What is power save mode in wireless communication in mobile devices?
- What is birthday paradox? How can it be used to design efficient neighbour discovery protocol?
- What is routing in computer networking?
- What makes routing challenging in wirless networks when compared to wired networks?
- What are the advantages of sending information over multiple wireless hops compared to a single hop? what are the disadvantages?
- From energy consumption and reliability perspective is it better to send over one hop or multiple hop?
- What are some simple routing solutions?
- What is reactive routing?
- What is AODV protocol? Where is it commonly used?
- What are various messages sent in AODV protocol?
- What is dynamic source routing protcol?
- What is reactive and proactive routing? What is the tradeoff between these two schemes?
- What are some possible routing metric in a mesh IoT network?
- What is ETX as routing metric? How do you estimate it?
- Can you add ETX together?
- Is a wireless link with lowest hop count always has lower ETX? Give example
- What is mobile adhoc network?
- What is a delay tolerant network?
- How is routing in sensor (IoT) networks different from other wireless networks?
- Is Apple Airtags and find my network example of delay tolerant network?
- What are link measurements that can be made in a routing protocol for IoT networks?
- Are low-power wireless links in IoT networks symmetric?
- What is flooding?
- What is synchronus transmissions in IoT networks? What are advantages?
- What is glossy protocol?
- What is RPL protocol
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
- What is Bluetooth standard? What is history and timeline of this standard?
- What are different layers of the bluetooth standard? What is significance of these layers?
- What is frequency allocation for bluetooth like? Are there any bluetooth channels that dont interfere with WiFi?
- How does a typical BLE network topology look like?
- Can bluetooth devices take on multiple roles at the same time?
- What are the advertising channels for BLE? What are their frequency?
- What is difference between FSK and GFSK? Can you describe these modulation schemes?
- What is typical transmit signal strength and receive signal strength for BLE standard?
- How does packet structure of BLE look like? Please describe various fields?
- What is data whitening process in BLE? Why is it required?
- What is the significance of bluetooth advertising process? What are applications of this mode?
- Can you describe BLE advertising packet structure and various types of messages?
- What is the frequency at which the advertisement packets are sent? What is the typical process of sending these packets?
- How does a scanner device listen for bluetooth advertisements? Please describe it step-wise in great detail?
- Would a scanner device receive all the sent advertisements? if not, why?
- What is connection mode in BLE? What are the applications where you may want to use this mode?
- Can you describe step-by-step BLE connection mode for two different devices?
- Can you describe the timeline for BLE connection establishment?
- How does the medium access control mechanism look like in BLE connection mode?
- How many devices can be connected to a BLE central device in the connection mode?
- What is GATT in BLE connection mode? How does application dictate GATT?
- What is characteristics, service and profile in GATT?
- What are UUIDs? How are they discovered in BLE connection mode?
- What are the major changes in BLE 5?
- How does coding and spreading techniques improve BLE5? Please describe them as well?
- What is extended advertising mode in BLE 5? What are the major improvements over BLE 4.2 advertising mode? What new applications it enable?
- How does a scanner device receive BLE extended advertising transmissions?
- How are 802.15.4 networks different from BLE? What are the main applications of 802.15.4?
- What is the frequency allocation of 802.15.4?
- Compare frequency allocation of 802.15.4 with BLE?
- What is thread protocol? How is it different when compared to 802.15.4?
- What are the PHY layer changes proposed by thread protocol to IEEE 802.15.4 standard?
- How does thread network topology look like?
- What is difference between end-device, router, thread leader and border router in a thread network?
- What is the significance of a border router device?
- What are the benefits of using IPv6 in thread network?
- Please describe the address format for IPv6
- Describe different transmission mode for IPv6 and Thread?
- Please describe different special addresses in Thread/IPv6?
- Please describe IPv6 datagram format? What is the header overhead when compared to IPv4?
- What is 6LowPAN?
- Please describe 6LowPAN header compression? why is it important for Thread?
- Please describe 6LowPAN fragmentation process?
- Describe role and topology based addresses in thread?
- How do you discover thread networks?
- What is CoAP protocol?
- Would you use UDP or TCP over 6lowpan based IoT network?
- What is MATTER protocol? and what is its relationship to Thread?
Lecture 11
- What is ZigBee protocol?
- What is relationship between ZigBee protocol and IEEE 802.15.4?
- What are the different layers of the zigbee networking stack?
- What is the frequency allocation for Zigbee protocol?
- What are different medium access control mechanisms in the zigbee stack?
- What are different kind of devices that are available in zigbee networks?
- What are different zigbee profiles?
- Describe typical zigbee network topology?
- What are various analogies between Zigbee and BLE network?
- Describe history and timeline of WiFi protocol?
- Describe the operating frequency, physical layer modulation scheme, data rate and range of various WiFi standards?
- Describe the physical layer of original WiFi specification (1997)?
- What is the modulation scheme used in 802.11b?
- What is direct sequence spread spectrum? How does it improve wireless link quality and reliability?
- Describe channel allocation for 802.11b?
- What is OFDM? How does it enable hoigher throughput?
- What is tradeoffs in implementing ofdm? is it suitable for IoT devices?
- Describe the physical layer characteristics of IEEE 802.11a?
- Why did 802.11a not become very popular?
- Describe MIMO wireless as an analogy to pipes and wires?
- Describe the 802.11n wireless standard? what is modulation scheme, bandwidth and channel allocation?
- what is modulation and coding scheme in 802.11n?
- What is MU-MIMO? How is it different from MIMO? How does it increase throughput?
- What is 802.11ac standard? What are major changes?
- What is the modulation scheme, operating frequency, and other parameters of 802.11ac standard?
- Describe the channel allocation of 802.11ac?
- What is OFDMA and how is it different from OFDM?
Lecture 12
- What was the first commercial mobile phone? What is the history of this phone?
- Describe the network architecture of the first mobile phone?
- What were other notable developments that happened before introduction of cellular phone?
- What is spatial division for sharing spectrum? why is it significant for cellular phone networks?
We are experiencing a major shift in the computing landscape with the emergence of advanced tools such as Language Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI ChatGPT. These tools are poised to have a significant impact on the field, and we are embracing this change by incorporating them into our course curriculum. The CS4222/5222 course will be one of the first (if not the first) course in the world at a major univeristy to actively use OpenAI’s ChatGPT in teaching wireless technology. Students will be provided with “prompts” to work with the model and we may also propose projects for more ambitious students to utilize ChatGPT. However, we will not be using ChatGPT for tutorials in this iteration of the course. It is important for students who utilize ChatGPT to clearly indicate that they have employed the tool.
IMPORTANT: It is important to note that Large Language Models (LLMs) are still in the early stages of development and may not always produce accurate results. Therefore, these tools should only be used as a supplement, not as the primary source of information, and one should use them with caution.